Nevermore shall you settle for an ordinary wine glass. This raven-adorned stemless glass is ideal for unleashing your inner Poe while sipping a full-bodied red or your favorite merlot. Its sleek, gothic design features a midnight black raven silhouette that stands out starkly against the clear glass—the perfect poetic complement to a brooding cabernet on a dark, dreary evening. Though the raven’s melancholy refrain of “nevermore” echoes in your mind, one sip of wine from this glass will make you wish the moment could last forever. While the raven may represent loss, this glass signifies the delight of the present moment. So pour yourself a glass of wine, ponder your mortality for a spell, and then drink deep of life’s fleeting pleasures. After all, tomorrow is a dream, and today will soon be a memory—so make it a memory worth toasting.